Effects Of Jethro Creighton

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“Don’t expect peace to be a perfect pearl, Jeth”, this is what Ross Milton told Jethro Creighton in the novel Across Five Aprils, as the Civil War was coming to a close (Hunt, 1964). Jethro Creighton, the main character in the novel, was discussing his anticipation for the end of the war with Ross Milton, a wise man who befriended Jethro. Milton exhorted him to not expect the days after the war to be perfect and peaceful. He informed Jethro that even though the fighting is over, there will still be hatred between the Union and the Confederates. Although this only takes up a small paragraph in the novel, it has an extremely influential effect on Jethro. As a young man whose dream in life was to have perfect peace, this statement made by Milton