Effects Of Mass On Modern Life

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Mass effects In Modern Life, 1925 According to Churchill, who was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1955, modern world is characterized by “enormous processes of collectivization”. The word collectivization or collectivism means that “a political or economic theory supporting collective control over production and distribution emphasis on collective rather than individual action.” In the modern world there are mass production, and there are huge number of companies that produce people’s need. People can buy what they want from different places not just domestic products. Also, population growth marked a basic point for mass production. In previous centuries, people’s need was limited, for their number was not as huge as modern world; the population growth of 20th century has been explosive as human number has been quadrupled. Modern world is better than previous eras in the world history because of changing in standard of life by having cheaper products, and getting better job opportunely. According to Churchill, public can get what they want with cheaper price and even with better qualities. Moreover the workers have better wages and greater security, and people can get jobs more easily than before because there are more manufactories. It is true that there are more jobs opportunely and better wages, but it is not same for the security. The work mans in the modern world are working much harder than before and the risk rate has been increased. In the