Science Fiction Genre In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Science-fiction stories captivate human minds because they explore the dangers of the unknown, yet modern society discounts the ominous themes of science-fiction stories in favor of curiosity. Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein, which developed the science-fiction genre, conveys its message by telling the somber story of Victor Frankenstein and his monster. Victor abandons his creation when he sees the monster’s disfigured physical appearance. The monster learns to understand his need for compassion and creates hell on earth for Victor and his loved ones because of his rejection from society, afterwords justifying his actions as a result of his misery. The warning that attempting to change the forces of nature will ultimately result in universal …show more content…

Charlie suffers during the peak of his wisdom when he reaches the point where, “I find that I don’t communicate with people much anymore...I am alone in my apartment at Mrs. Flynn’s boardinghouse most of the time and seldom speak to anyone” (Keys 298). His newfound brilliance isolates him from society as others come to fear him, similar to the treatment of Frankenstein’s monster. Although he reaches his goal of increased IQ, the differences between him and others prove to be not ideal as he no longer can experience human compassion. Charlie hopes to find happiness through knowledge yet comes to realize, “This intelligence has driven a wedge between me and all the people I once knew and loved” (Keys 297). The scientists’ attempt to play god and mess with the forces of nature make things worse in the long run for everyone involved, as they did not consider the actual dangers but only their own glory. When faced with unprecedented obstacles, the scientists do not know how to respond and rather abandon Charlie and leave him to his isolated muses. The reality that one cannot accurately or confidently predict the results of the unknown continues to be proven in modern