Effects Of Political Dynasty In The Philippines

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Political Dynasty in the Philippines This chapter, therefore, examines the general nature of the current Philippine political dynasties, the reasons for its continuing existence and its bad impact in the country. And also, its good dimensions in the progression of the administration in the Philippines. 2.1. What is Political Dynasty? ‘Political dynasties’ generally refer to traditional political families or the practices by these political families of monopolizing political power and public offices from generation to generation and treating the public elective office almost as their personal property. This problem is controversial to this generation since it is detrimental impact in the country. It gives us a horrific outcome in the progress of the state. However, this will provide a long term process in contrast to the other politicians which only have short term in the politics. Moreover, a political dynasty emerges when an current elected official has at least one relative in elected office in the past or the present government. It means that, member of the same family role in the administration and they have a big authority in the community. Since they have this power, it easy for them to make a terrible act that can cause a bad impact to the society and hence, people will be affected. And also, this political dynasty could lead to a deterioration of political competition because of the concentration of political power. This, in turn, could bring about

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