The Influence Of Pop Culture

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In the age of the 21st century, the ability to cross-countries and communicate with a myriad of different cultures, using a variety of different languages has become increasingly simple. Globalization’s grasp on the world has tightened, and pop culture has flourished, in the perfect conditions the modern world has provided. The effects this will have on our world, our countries and our people, comes in their thousand. One effect in particular is often looked over, yet is one of the most imperative and influential effects in which the spread of globalization will provide; language, both formal and colloquial, is constantly changing, due to the rise in pop culture.
To fully grasp on the concept of “pop culture”, one must first understand the …show more content…

Japan, having borrowed approximately 7000 English words, forming their own alphabet (katakana) for foreign words, and having an influenced- filled history, Japan is known for their tolerance, and even celebratory attitude of accepting and adapting different cultures into their own. However, the stereotypes and generalizations made towards western culture seem to be an underlying negative impact for Japan, and vice versa. A predicament currently happening in Kenya, with the use of so called “corrupt English” in the sheng language, and how “lower class” form of language is said to have an impact in the large gap between formal and informal language, and could also lead to a conflict between any western-influenced countries, due to this …show more content…

From country to country, the spread of pop culture has had its negative effects, formulating decreases in formal language, leading on to potential racial conflicts and generally forming rebellions against this progressive spread of culture and language. However, English specifically has its structural benefits, and he very notion that a large majority of countries are so open to a change in culture and language begs the question as to whether or not this change is in fact beneficial, and is what the world wishes to change into. As change is the only thing constant in life, yet the way in which we change is still debatable. Though a certain amount of influence within countries can be new, exciting, and beneficial to economies, certain courses of action must be taken in the preservation of languages and history to a certain degree. This can be seen with the French organization of “Organization International de la Francophone”, whose general ambition is to benefit the 77 countries that French as on official language, and to sustain and preserve French as a language. Acts, such as these, will without a doubt benefit and preserve languages and, in the long run,