Effects Of The French And Indian War On American Colonies

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2 Most of the time, when two opposing groups share a common enemy, they will likely come together to defeat that enemy. However, the effects of the French and Indian war on Britain and her American colonies is a prime instance in which this is not always the case. This is due to the reason that this war only brought out debts that needed to be paid and reasons to supervise the American colonies which lead to American colonists feeling threatened with the sudden shift in the control they initially had on themselves to the restrictiveness they sustained from Britain once Britain quashed salutary neglect and caused the beginning of American colonies distancing themselves from Britain introspectively and politically. Therefore, the French and …show more content…

These tensions caused England to abandon its policy of salutary neglect, and reaffirm the power they had onto them once again. As Sylvanus, , once stated, “As the… inhabitants [of South Carolina] were debarr’d [forbidden/excluded] from giving their votes for members of the parishes [counties] in which… they reside… how and in what manner… can they be said to be represented by the General Assembly?... it is not paradoxical, that the frontier and interior inhabitants should pay duties and taxes impos’d on them by their fellow provincials, to which they have not given, or had their assent requir’d? And with what consistency can our assembly exercise such powers… when they deny such authority over themselves…”(A Political Problem, 1769) Sylvanus primarily explains through this excerpt that under the power of the British government [once Salutary Neglect had already been repealed], the colonists essentially had no say in what happened to them since they were not represented in the British parliament. Sylvanus went on to ponder over how possibly the British government could claim that the colonists were being represented in parliament when they weren’t and how unfair this was to the colonists. The idea of taxation without representation was a major factor in the ongrowing tension the American colonists developed towards the British government and only fostered the resentment they had towards them. And in some instances, they lashed out, like the Boston Tea Party. These acts of rebellion are what fueled Britain’s hatred towards the colonists and caused them to grow impatient and unleash their wrath onto them through the tax acts they imposed onto the colonies in a sort of way that declared to the colonists that they would no longer tolerate their