Effects Of The Satanic Panic

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The Satanic Panic The Satanic Panic was a series of accusations of ritual abuse that started out at McMartin Preschool and slowly spread to other children in and out of the community. The Satanic Panic is currently known as the longest and most expensive trails that have ever taken place in US history. Some journalists and reporters claim that the Satanic Panic still goes on to today. The Satanic Panic, like The Crucible, were prolonged mass scares that involved ritual abuse and dealings with the devil toward children, causing neighbors to turn on each other and view each other suspiciously. It all started in during late September …show more content…

Linda Sterling, her husband Ron, and their son Travis Sterling were accused of sexually abusing children at the Preschool. One day a little girl came home from daycare and her mother found redness and broken skin on her bottom, so she asked her about it and she replied “a stranger had been poking me with a pink rope, lives at Linda’s” (Pasiuk “Satanic Panic”). From there Martensville police was called and an investigation was opened up to investigate the incident and to take up statements. Soon after the Sterling’s were accused of ritual abuse, another teacher, Ray Buckey was accused of performing ritual abuse on his students in the underground tunnels of cemeteries near his Preschool. Investigators then searched to find the underground tunnels, but failed to find them. After a series of trials and having no physical evidence, many of the children soon admitted that their stories were fabricated (Caldwell “America’s Satanic Panic Returns”). During the 1970’s many books were written about Satanism, Occultism, and Evangelical religions. A widely known Satanic book, called “The Satanic Bible” is …show more content…

One way that The Satanic Panic is similar to The Crucible is false accusations against innocent people. Many people took advantage of these opportunities and used it to get revenge on anyone they hated. Abigail wanted to cover up her mistakes, so she accused other people and even turned against her own friends. Another way The Satanic Panic is similar to The Crucible is by causing many people’s reputations to be ruined. These false accusations lead to people losing their jobs and being persecuted. In the Crucible and The Satanic Panic, whoever was suspected of being with the devil was immediately questioned, investigated, or thrown in jail. The Satanic Panic and The Crucible also have some differences, one way that The Satanic Panic and The Crucible are different, is by having Satanists and symbols used instead of witches and witchcraft. In the Satanic Panic, Satanists would leave something behind like 666 or human remains at the scene they used to perform their rituals. Whereas, in The Crucible, many of the witches used spells, sorcery, or black magic to cast witchery on a