Effects Of The Treaty Of Versailles

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The Treaty of Versailles was written in 1919 by all of the Allies from World War 1. Germany was completely targeted in this and it ended up embarrassing everyone who lived in Germany. Adolf Hitler took everyone’s anger and embarrassment and ended up using it against Germany. He came to power in a fascist government with one goal which was to go to war. This is why the most significant factor that led to World War Two was the Treaty of Versailles.
The treaty of Versellie was written to end World War I. The Allies got together and wrote out what they thought would bring peace to Europe but that never really happened.
The Allies met in the Versailles palace hoping to bring peace to Europe. Most if not all of the representatives from all over …show more content…

He began his propaganda in the late ’20s. Hitler was anti-communist and ruled in a democratic government. He was also fascist. Over time Hitler The Nazi party took Germany's inflation problems and blamed it all on the government. Some people, however, were protesting against German communists. But with all of Hitler's propaganda people were afraid of their country turning communist and everyone began to support Hitler and the Nazis. By 1932, most of the seats in their Government were Nazis so Hitler getting elected was an easy and quick decision.
He gained Germany’s trust and was able to rise to power. People genuinely thought that he knew what was best and that he was going to save Germany. But, his gaining power was a very bad idea and everyone would live to regret it.
Hitler and the Nazis took advantage of Germany. He knew that Germany was weak and he took that as an opportunity to use Germany for himself. Once Hitler was in power, he began very quickly to take 100% control of Germany. He wanted war, he wanted …show more content…

So on September 1st, 1939, the Nazis invaded Poland. They accused people in Poland of discriminating against German ethnic groups in Poland. Poland wasn’t very ready for the attack and only held them off for a couple of weeks. This was Germany's new strategy, they would get massive units of men and attack out of the blue. They also used a lot of air power and bombs. Most historians will argue that the Nazi invasion of Poland marks the start of World War 2. Hitler was known for his quick thinking and being able to get whatever he wants using the Nazis. Hitler's mindset was very strike first. He would attack, and he would attack fast which is what let him win all of these battles. Germany during the war also used a lot of air attacks. They had all sorts of airplanes and would just bomb people. The Nazis are also known for using gas on people. So when it came to war nothing positive was ever happening. Hitler wanted revenge on all of Europe for doing this. He wanted power and satisfaction and that is what he got. Hitler used his power for all the wrong reasons. He came to Germany with all of these ideas and brutal methods. Hitler truly did take advantage of all of

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