Effects Of Torture On Prisoners Of War

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Torture on Prisoners of War Through the years torture has been used repeatedly. Torture is the infliction of severe physical and mental trauma for the use of acquiring information or for the use of punishment. Although there has been call for reform at many stages in history, torture remains. Even the Geneva Convention outlawed torture, however, torture is still used by many nations, such as the United States. Evidence proved this with the publicity of the Abu Ghraib incident, where many inmates were tortured by United States soldiers. These soldiers were convicted for their crimes but it was taken care of “in house” as people would say. The United Nations did not persecute the said soldiers further than the United States military court, nor did they investigate the claims of the soldiers that they were under orders. Although the United States used torture to great effect in the past, torture is cruel, inhumane, and has no place in modern society. Torture is cruel, it leaves the victims devastated both physically and mentally. Torture comes in varied forms, but the some of the most known are evisceration, immolation, and amputation. Torture is performed without pain inhibitors, so the victims feel everything. In most circumstances, the victim goes into shock from pain and is the brought back with an injection of adrenaline. This procedure can be performed numerous times and often leaves victims with permanent physical trauma and mental trauma. The mental trauma includes