Veganism Benefits

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Two point five percent of the US is vegan, which is a total of 7.5 million individuals. People do not realize the amount of individuals that are vegan due to the low percentage that is vegan. Since the general public forgets about them, they usually have a difficult time because the number of vegans is scarce thus causing limited vegan options. Either people do not understand Veganism or they do not want to. The effects of Veganism are the physical and mental changes on the body, the struggles that vegans face, and the effects on the environment. There are many physical and mental changes in the human body due to Veganism. Many of the changes are beneficial to the body, such as a longer life and less diseases. For example:‘With studies showing …show more content…

According to Teitell “1.5 percent of the population is vegetarian” (Teitell).There is a small percentage in our world that is vegetarian and there are even less vegans because it is a demanding diet. Also “going vegan is a big challenge, of course, but staying vegan is too” (Teitell).The reason why staying vegan is difficult is there is not an abundance of vegan restaurants or vegan options. Lastly “Some people, because they think they can't do it, try to bring you down” (Teitell). People feel self conscious about themselves and when others can do thing that they cannot they want to try and bring them down to make them feel better. There are many reasons for people to go vegan, but these are just a few reasons why many people chose not to go …show more content…

For example “ A vegan lifestyle extends beyond diet to not using any clothing or object made from leather, wool, silk, pearls, or anything derived from animals, such as toiletries and cosmetics containing products such as lanolin, an animal fat” (Aldridge). Vegans do not just think about their our personal health but the environment thus some refrain from the used of any animal produce no matter what it is. Another reason Veganism is reputable to the earth is “dairy animals are kept in conditions that vegans and vegetarians consider inhumane, such as on factory farms” (Aldridge). Different animals are kept in a harsh and unsuitable environment which many people including vegans think is unfair. Another fact is “Veganism is also, arguably, better for the environment, because it takes eight pounds of grain to produce one pound of beef. Therefore, more food would be available if people ate only plant food, and there would be fewer carbon dioxide emissions” (Aldridge). People want to be kind to the environment because they love many different animals and they want to the world to be as healthy as possible so they want the least amount of carbon dioxide emissions in the air as possible. Given that Veganism does help the planet, many people choose to go

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