Work Related Stress In Nursing

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Work-related stress is a progressive issue around the world. It has significant undesirable effects that affect not only the health and well-being of nurses, but also the effectiveness and productivity of the organisation. Give rise to the Singapore nursing shortage in years to come, work stress notably in the nursing profession has become a major concern in recent years as it appears to be associated with burnout and low job satisfaction which will eventually lead to the intention to leave nursing profession among nurses. The current research study considers working environment as an important element in affecting nurses’ intention to leave their profession (Beatrice, Karen & Hans, 2009). Although there are many literatures studied work-related …show more content…

Nurses required a highly, demanding skills such as teamwork in different situations, dealing with sick and dying, delivering care and be responsibility for the patients round the clock, and shift work (Meyer & Allen, 1997). Besides, high workload, nurse shortage, lack of support and conflict in values with other healthcare professions are most commonly reported and have been underscored to be one of the major factors of stressors proposed in the nursing profession which may affect nurses’ decision to quit the profession (Khamisa, Peltzer, & Oldenburg, 2013). Job stress in nursing has contribute to an “ubiquitous threat” whereby it constantly, extensively affect the physio-psychological well being of nurses and the standard of nursing care. National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2013; cited by Jennings, 2008 claimed that prolonged exposure to work-related stress is associated with burnout. Work stressors also anticipated with low job satisfaction, organisation inefficiency, excessive staff turnover and absenteeism due to staff falling sick (Borda & Norman, 1997; Clegg, 2001; Kirkcaldy & Martin, 2000). As compare to other professional groups, study has revealed that nursing profession often perceive as one of the “highly mobile occupational group” and has a much greater turnover rate (Yao,

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