Efficacy In Tupac Amari Shakur's Ecological System

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Using the concept of Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems of child involves in the Microsystems, Mesosystems, Ecosystems, and Macrosystems. The ecological systems examined statistical relationships and experiences of Tupac Amari Shakur’s adolescent through identity and self-efficacy. The definition of the identity and self-efficacy means, “one sense, who can play a major role in one approaches goals, tasks and challenges.” In addition, it is similar to a “psychological resilience” and it refers to an individual's ability to successfully adapt to life tasks in the face of social disadvantage or highly adverse conditions. Adversity and stress can come in the shape of family or relationship problems, health problems, or workplace and financial …show more content…

Tupac made a lot of trouble during his young adulthood years inside and outside of the home environments by joining “the big boys and breaking the rules” (the thugs and drug dealers), and later he got himself caught up with wrong side of the law and landed in the jail.
Ecosystems is a setting in which children do not actually participate, but which affect in one of the microsystems (parents’ jobs, the school board and the city council). “poor single mother on welfare, tell me how ya did it, and there’s no way I can pay you back.” In this verse, Tupac telling that he realized and understood how hard his mother strived through a hard time, and how his mother kept the family together and stayed strong, while his mother went to work or searched for …show more content…

Sweet lady, Dear mama, Place no one above ya, sweet lady, You are appreciated.” Tupac informed the society on how we must accept and love our mother. The mothers belong to their children all the times at no matter what the circumstances are. Even though, Tupac without his father and the father’s absence in the family showed the society that father’s absence largely affects African American community. In Tupac’s relationships with his single mother, Afeni Shakur raised two children, drug addicts, jailed, and was former the Black Panther Activist. Recently on May 3rd, 2017, Tupac’s mother has passed away at the ages of 69-years old. This song is really a beautiful poem and it inspire us all throughout the