Pros And Cons Of Egg Donation

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Ethical and moral reasons Egg donation raises questions with regard to the four basic principles of medical ethics that are autonomy, justice, beneficence and non-maleficence. These four principles must be taken into account when formulating policies and regulations regarding egg donation. • Autonomy: The high financial incentives that some donors receive may hinder the ability to take clear decisions. In the US there are advertisements that offer up to 100,000 USD to young people and donors with certain characteristics. There are studies that show that women who donate for financial reasons could possible regret their decision to donate afterwards. • Justice: Because of the current shortage of egg donors, the fertility treatments are subject to distributive injustice. Approximately 1.000 pregnancies per year are produced thanks to donor eggs, although there are many pregnancies that should be postponed until a donor becomes available. Women with higher financial possibilities are more likely to receive treatment with donated eggs than women of lower socio-economic levels, which leads to ethical conflicts. The injustice may also occur in the management of the needs, rights and obligations involved in egg donation. With a shortage of egg donors, doctors sometimes encourage the donation of young …show more content…

In conclusion, it has been seen that a fairer model of egg donor compensation has to be taken. The notion that egg donation is an act of pure altruism has to be abandoned. Although many donors are motivated by the desire to help others to have children, the vast majority of them are primarily driven by the financial reward. For this reason, and because of the fact that without economic compensation the number of donors of eggs would be drastically reduced egg donors should receive a financial compensation regulated at international