Egyptian Death Rituals

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Eternal life is defined as a resurrection of one’s soul. In Ancient Egypt, eternity after death was believed and hoped for by every Egyptian. Many thought life would continue after death and that death is just a temporary pause in one’s life. Death was also accepted as the beginning of a journey to endurance. The Egyptians’ burial practices were considered necessary to receive their bliss. The weight of an Egyptian’s heart was important when trying to live an eternal life. Also, their respect for everyone and their actions were an important asset in obtaining heaven. Anybody can live for an eternity as long as they meet and pass the requirements.

Before the spirit of Egyptians enter the Underworld, they would have a special ritual to prepare. This ritual is called “the Opening of the Mouth” ceremony. Here priests, who wore Anubis masks, gathered together to preserve the dead. Egyptians believed that this is the only way to the afterlife. Priest would burn incense and restore the senses by touching the mummy with ritual objects. Priests also added protective amulets, funerary texts and spells on tombs to give help …show more content…

They must know the importance of amicable relationships in one’s life and how a shortage of peacefulness affects all. To maintain a harmonious balance, one will participate in the “5 Gifts of Hathor” ritual. This ritual involves one to count on their fingers 5 things they’re most grateful for. An individual was asked to be specific when naming things grateful for. One’s had would then serve as a reminder that it’s important to wake up every morning and give thanks at night. This will help keep a light heart with harmonious balance, which will help an individual in the Hall of Osiris. In order to live an eternal life, one’s heart needed to be counterbalanced by a feather in the “Weighing of the Heart” ceremony. Living a harmonious life can lead to a positive reward in the