Length Contraction Research Paper

2003 Words9 Pages

Einstein’s dream: Life at the cosmic speed limit
The mystical bizarre movement of outside existence has failed to sync with Betty’s mind. She is perplexed, beyond which she can ever think of, and has reached the point where predictability loses its validity. Where is she? Inside a trauma or physically in a reality that has not been experienced by any human before? Crude, yet truth, an unexplained gush of an aura encapsulated her and she felt disambiguation stacking in her mere perception. Every complex unpredictable snapshot of actuality, as if somehow decided to let her molecules be in rapport with the vigorously changed environment. And correctly, she realized that she can see her twin sister Ketty in front of her, …show more content…

Length contraction. To understand the concept, let us consider a ruler is placed on a table. Now, for the sake of experiment, we want to measure its length. As it’s a ruler, we would know the length as it is already marked except the small extensions in both front and back side. For an accurate measurement and simplicity, we would not consider the extra part and just know that the scale is of exactly 6 inch. Surely, many of us have heard of God step or flash step which is nothing but a movement from one position to the other linearly. Suppose the scale was somehow subjected to an external force which helped it to change its position. Press pause, just think the scale is still moving and the spectator wants to record the measurement of the same scale. Practically, it should be the same. Well, for a moment let’s think that the markings are not the absolute proof and take a measurement of that scale (without extension), first labelling the initial point and then the end point or vice-versa. What did we find? If we hypothetically do so, we would get a length which is NOT equal to 6 inch rather slightly less than