Case Study: Web Thickness

1140 Words5 Pages

Robert Morris University
Mohammed Alsalem

Activity 1:
1-How do you get the value Area:29.3, Depth:24.00, WebThickness:.745, Width:7.245, Thickness:.870, All Elastic properties. Calculate all these values and show the process.

Given Data:
Depth h: 24 in
Width w: 7.245 in
Web Thickness: 0.745 in
Sectional Area: 29.3 in^2
Weight: 100 lb/ft
From the book (Elastic properties):
Axis x-x:
I 2390 in^4
S …show more content…

In and around Pittsburgh, various pillars and materials are used to support structures. The type of pillar to be used depends on a number of issues, such as the structure to be put up and the period such a structure is to exist. For houses, for instance, engineers tend to use thick round pillars, filled with concrete to give the structure in question the support it needs. The cross-section depends on the width and height of the building, plus its intended purpose. Materials used in such pillars include cement and sand. Street lights, on the other hand, are mainly made out of iron rod and steel.
2. The cross-section of the above pillars’ moment of inertia depends on the pillar in question. In bridge pillars, for instance, the dimensions may be as follows (width: 2metres, height: 4 meters). With such dimensions, the moment of inertia of cross-section of these pillars can be said to be low. Each pillar’s moment of inertia depends on the dimensions given, that is, the width and height.
3. The capacity of load carrying of a pillar depends on a number of issues, among them the material from which the columns are made. As he bridges are made of concrete columns, they tend to be superior and stronger. Their average strength ranges between 15 MPa and 100 MPa. With this, bridges and houses have the required strength to survive over a long

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