
Eldridge V. Gilbert Case Essay

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Dear Jury Members: Have you ever lied to your parents, knowing you did something you shouldn't have? Well, David Eldridge sure did, he committed a foul crime. There is proof that Mr. Eldridge killed Mr. Armes, and he should be charged with first-degree murder. The strongest piece of evidence in this case was Mr. Eldridge’s fingerprints on the spatula that killed Mr. Armes. Investigators found that Mr. Armes was killed with a spatula. In addition, Mr. Eldridge's fingerprints were found on the spatula that killed Mr. Armes. Police located the spatula inside Mr. Eldridge's home; Mr. Adams "borrowed" it and then never returned it to the owner. Mr. Eldridge committed this crime; his fingerprints were found on the spatula used to kill Mr. Armes.
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