Eleanor And Park Sparknotes

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I have read the book Eleanor and Park. Eleanor & Park is a novel written by Rainbow Rowell. It’s about the two teenagers Eleanor and Park. Eleanor is the new girl, a girl with red hair and strange clothes. Park is a quiet Asian boy who’s trying so hard avoiding bringing attention to himself.

Eleanor & Park is a book for young adults. It is a romantic novel. The book is about love as Eleanor and Park meets and slowly falls in love with each others. A special first love. The book is about abuse. Both Eleanor and her siblings were being abused by their stepfather Richie. Richie is also abusing Eleanor’s mother, his new wife, as he treats her like a housemaid and often threatens her. Richie is the reason for Eleanor living with her mother’s friend …show more content…

Eleanor Douglas transferred to a new high school as she got to move back home. Eleanor stands out from everyone else. She wears men’s clothes, has curly red hair and hate herself for being what she believes to be fat and ugly. Park Sheridan is Asian American and he likes music and comics. Like Eleanor he is also feeling like a misfit, except he isn’t bullied as Eleanor is. They met on the bus to school when no one except Park let her sit next to him or her even though the bus driver shouted that Eleanor needed to take a seat. They’re silently building a relationship by reading comics and listening to music on the school …show more content…

In some sort of way I didn’t agree with the characters but throughout the story they grew and in the end I liked them. I really like that Rowell wrote the book in both Eleanor’s and Park’s point of view. You get both sides of the story and it became deeper in some kind of way. I also like that Eleanor and Park is so different and still makes it work. Like the saying “opposites attract”. Eleanor comes from this dysfunctional family, with her mother, her stepfather and her four siblings were like everything that’s ordinary for Park is luxury for Eleanor and her siblings. Park on the other hand comes from a more stable family. I think that their relationship is more realistic than the relationships in all the other books I’ve