
Eleanor And Park Sparknotes

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Eleanor And Park Eleanor & park is the second novel (her first Young Adult Fiction) written by awarding winning author, Rainbow Rowell. Rowell has published 6 books within a 6 year time span,with 3 of the 6 winning awards from Goodreads, and even Amazon's top 10 for Best YA Fiction. (Wikipedia: Rainbow Rowell) Eleanor & Park takes place in the late 1980s, and focuses on the lives of two young teens, Eleanor Douglas, and Park Sheridan. Each chapter brings the reader through both sides of their budding love, hardships of their past and present days. Over the course of a year, you get a glimpse of their everyday struggles of first love, kids at school,broken homes and everything inbetween. After Eleanor is forced into the seat next to quiet guy Park, neither of them can figure out if It was a miracle or a curse. One one hand, Eleanor would take away any chance of Park ever fitting in, and Eleanor would have to keep Park a secret at home. But their love was worth it. They're love distracted them from what's real, even if it was only as long as a bus ride. …show more content…

Instead of love at first sight, they more so grew on each other. Their first impression weren't exactly the best either. Park had taken one look at the red head and thought she must be begging for attention. Not only did she wear mens shirts so big, she could have pulled it off as a dress, but with all the jewellery resting on her shoulders and ribbons tied around her wrists, He had decided she probably wasn't a sight for sore eyes. The first words Park had ever spoken to Eleanor was a commanding swear for her to sit down. He didn't come off as the funny, caring boy she knows

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