Planned Respite Outing Analysis

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Heaven enjoyed the movie, she ate popcorn and laughed a lot. On route from the movies, Heaven spoke about what’s been happening within the past three weeks with school and her foster home. Heaven mention tension in the home with both foster parents, she also mentioned an incident at church, where she had a verbal altercation with her foster mom. Heaven said one of her coping skills is being alone and removing herself from conflict, she stated that when tried to remove herself from the argument, her foster mother grabbed her arm, which upset her more. Heaven also mention that her school lab top was taken because she did not complete her chores, causing a delay to complete her homework.

On the topic of school, Heaven stated that she was having issues, she said she receives home tutoring for Spanish, but needs help in math and social studies, keeping the lines of communication open about her struggles. Heaven also mention that she received in school suspension for a verbal altercation with a peer over gossip. Heaven said she confronted the peer calmly, however, the situation got out of hand. …show more content…

The Planned Respite outing was successful The WSP also discussed strategies with Heaven on how to appropriately communication with her peers and foster parents. The WSP also suggested to Heaven that she be mindful of her tone and words when speaking with her foster parents and to be respectful. The WSP suggested to Heaven to communicated with her teachers and meet with her one on one, keeping the lines of communication open about her struggles. The outing was also a break for the foster parents. The outing provided the caregiver with relief, it also prevented caregiver stress and

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