Electrolytes Lab Report

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Ions produced from substances that are broken down in water are called electrolytes. This solution can conduct electricity by the movement of cations and anions. (http://www.science.uwaterloo.ca/~cchieh/cact/c120/electrolyte.html). This electrically conductive solution is crucial to the wellbeing of a person’s body fluids. This helps with life functions along with other things. Electrolytes are responsible for keeping balance between the environments inside and outside of cells in bodies. An imbalance of electrolytes can cause serious effects to the body’s health. This is determined by the food and water consumed, both contain crucial elements in ion form that are given to the body. (https://www.builtlean.com/2012/ 11/28/electrolytes/). Foods and beverages that contain sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium in ion form are rich with electrolytes. Foods that contain lots of electrolytes come from plants, including fruits and vegetables. Vegetables such as white beans, potatoes, spinach, and bell peppers are rich with potassium. Foods that contain lots of sodium include beets, celery, and bell peppers. Almond nuts, cashew nuts, sunflower seeds, and sesame seeds …show more content…

By eating foods and drinking beverages that are rich in sodium, chloride, potassium, and magnesium, one can get essential nutrients that are needed for the body. After working out replenishing electrolytes is a must in order to make sure the body is functioning correctly. Simply adding salt to one’s diet can help retain any lost body fluid from working out. By drinking sports drinks, it allows the body to get these essential ions fast to help the body carry out its many processes. Drinking plenty of water will also ensure that the blood in your body does not thicken and makes sure that the heart does not start to work overtime. (http://blog. outdoorherbivore.com

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