Elie Wiesel Quotes

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“I felt no pity for him. In fact I was pleased with what was happening to him” (Wiesel 52). Elie Wiesel’s character became a brute, because he witnessed children being killed, death everywhere and his loss of faith. Wiesel watched people get hung with no phase of tears. Wiesel writes in his book after the war, “watched others hangings.” (Wiesel 63). The quote can show that this hanging wasn’t the first one he’s seen and won’t be the last of them. “I never saw a single victim weep” (Wiesel 63). The inmates of Auschwitz all saw death looking at them when they first stepped in to the camp. Wiesel on that day would remember how the food tastes on that day where people hung in front of him. Wiesel sin every corner of the camp, every direction