Embodied Leadership Essay

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Accordingly, the implementation of embodied leadership was correlated with authentic leadership and effective leadership. Significance between embodied leadership implementation and authentic leadership scored 0.000, hence correlation was 100% approved, and according to the Pearson correlation analysis, as the implementation of embodied leadership increased by 1%, the authenticity of leadership jumped by 66.8% As for leadership implementation and the effectiveness of leadership, significance scored 0.000; hence, the correlation was approved 100%. Pearson correlation scored 0.436; hence, as the implementation of embodied leadership increased by 1%, the effectiveness of leadership jumped by 43.6%. Summary of Questionnaire Results 56 of the …show more content…

In accordance to Interviewee 1, it is imperative to use good channels of communication with subordinates, having the ability to embrace present aspects, accepting assistance from other parties when it came to challenging tasks, and allowing teams to be creative in their job. Interviewee 2 stated that such barriers can be overcome through team involvement and participation, using time effectively, and spending time with team members to share ideas and know what was going on. Interviewee 4 stressed open communication, whereas Interviewee 5 talked about monitoring. Interviewee 6 emphasized consistent communication. The response of Interviewee 3 …show more content…

Also, the varying characteristics of the participants together with their career experiences may result in limited external validity as the study included the sectors of education, sports, politics, business, social affairs, and NGO only. Likewise, the study encompassed a limited number of participants. The perspectives and standpoints of these subjects cannot be generalized for the entire population. In addition, the study is limited solely to assessing the different perspectives of embodied leadership and authentic leadership of the