Emely Dickson's Poems

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Emely Dickson write poems totally different for that time using some different punctuation that characterized her. Many of the people that knew her didn’t know about her poems after her death “in 1886 when Lavinia”, when her sister discovered all her poems, then they make all her production available. Many of her poems talk about death, immortality and some are referred with her friends.
Like we can see if we read some of her poem many of them talk about death like “Because I could not stop for Death” “I heard a fly buzz when I died” in those poems we can see when we feel that we are death like not emotions like if nothing to care about, when you just feel empty inside of you, like if you are dying inside for many reason probably some loss or different kind of problem that just make you see the stuff around and is like you are not there not in this word just out mind. Sometime feel that all eyes are upon us and it is also not only be dead is to feel you want to die, it's like that moment when you just say earth swallow me when only hear silence while everyone is talking about and feel that you are the center where everyone expects something from you.