Emerging Adulthood Theory

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For this particular case study I focused on the age group of young adults. In chapter seven of our textbook Dimensions of Human Behavior young adulthood is defined by the ages of eighteen to forty years old. Young adulthood is also defined by certain life events and transitions most of the population will experience, such as: leaving home, starting relationships, and becoming more independent. For this case study I choose to interview one of my friends. To keep and maintain her confidentiality I will refer to her as Haley throughout this case study. Haley is twenty two years old white female, a senior at the University of Alabama, and is from Dallas, Texas. The interview I did with Haley took place at the Ferguson Center on the University …show more content…

This emerging adulthood phase he suggests is entirely separate from adolescence and young adulthood. Arnett says this phase lasts from ages eighteen to twenty five. In his research it showed that most adults between these ages do not believe they have reached adulthood quite yet. Arnett says that exploring ones identity has become the primary focus of emerging adulthood. In this period an individual will try new life experiences such as: dating, school, having a job, and becoming more responsible. Talking to Haley about this as well as living this myself I tend to agree with what he is saying. Haley said she felt that her past four years away from home have taught her more about herself than the years leading up to them …show more content…

Haley said that since leaving home she has been more skeptical in the beliefs she believed as a child. She said she even thought of converting to another religion during sophomore year. From the readings from the text book this is pretty standard. Haley seems to be at the individuative-reflective faith stage. Which means she no longer solely looks for external authority when it comes to spirituality and now takes a closer look at herself and what she wants. The last topic we discussed had to do with her plans for gaining employment after she Graduates College this upcoming May. At first she said this was the most difficult topic I could pick up. She explained that her parents and she are currently arguing about her post grad plans. Her parents are upset that she does not have a concrete job or a plan after she graduates. She says most of her friends have not lined up anything either and does not understand why her parents are so upset by this. Many of the comments that Haley made echoed what our textbook said as well as what I have personally experienced with myself and friends. In this chapter I really resonated with what Arnett was saying in his emerging adult theory. That while we take on more responsibilities than we previously had, most of this age range does not feel like we are adults