
Emile Durkheim Analysis

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As a society we are allowed to protest, but this disrupts the concept of social order. There are lines being draw in who will support each side where there is only one side to choose. Many people see the need for police officers as the authority figures to help organize the structure of society in making it a safe place. However, not many people see the police as upholding the status quo they see them more of a threat. The way Durkheim views the police is a need for society even though criticized by society they still hold feeling of doubt toward police behaviors. The examples are shown with the inequalities the criminal society shows as the police face due in policing the people still has created lingers of doubt. Social mobility is where people are trying to reach wealth is by hard work and ignoring those who are living in poverty because of institutional racism. While the earnings from some community are earning the leased compared to the average income and this cause poverty. This environment creates a hostile place for black people so they do not feel safe within their own community. Those living in poverty have to suffer overcrowd neighborhoods, low wages and needed the …show more content…

Thus far, fair lines need to be drawn when that is accessible. Durkheim mentions that without the police we would have chaos and no one to uphold order in society. His solution to police brutality would be to prevent anomie from breaking the people apart and to create a collective consciousness to provide equally resources for all this can break the cycle of abuse. The police have a sense of authority over society and this makes some believe they are above the law and thing hurting people is accessible because the sense of authority they have can help them keep their position and use intimidation towards certain

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