Emily Dickinson Analysis Essay

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Poetry Analysis Emily Dickinson was born in 1830 in Amherst, Massachusetts to a wealthy and highly politically involved family. Dickinson was educated at Amherst Academy (1834-47) and Mount Holyoke Female Seminary (1847-48). Emily’s father was an orthodox Calvinist, as well as a lawyer and treasurer of the local college which may have been why Emily went to Amherst Academy in the first place. Emily’s mother, whose name also coincidentally happened to be Emily was an incredibly cold hearted woman, unfortunately however, suffered from severe depression. The horrible yet nearly unavoidable disease, depression, was sadly passed down to Emily throughout most of her life ("Emily Dickinson Biography." Emily Dickinson Biography. N.p., n.d. …show more content…

Throughout Dickinson’s life, very few of her works were ever published but were found later on after she passed away and were compiled into a book of her complete works. One theory as to why most of her poems never got published is that Emily’s brother, a well-known politician at the time, had an affair which Dickinson’s publisher. Another fun fact about Emily’s family is that one time her father went out on the town in the middle of the night, only in his underwear, ringing the church bell to wake the town up, only so they could see the northern lights. Emily Dickinson definitely seemed to have an interesting family, but much more must have gone on, especially to lead Emily to her nearly incurable depression. Emily Dickinson died on May 15th, 1886 after dealing with two years of illness in her kidneys. Seven months before her death, Emily was bedridden and she knew that it was going to be the bed she would pass away in. Much like her style choice during her life, Emily Dickinson’s coffin was all white. Emily Dickinson’s grave contains her first and last name, her birth and death dates, as well as the words “Called Back.” Emily most likely believed she had finally returned to the world of the dead because during most of her years spent on Earth, her thoughts were filled with unhappiness and