
Emma Chapter 1

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Part two, Chapter 15: Emma is amazed by the craziness of the theater. She finds herself enjoying the music and the performance, relating the main male character to Rodolphe. Emma becomes focused on the performance and keeps telling Charles, who keeps asking questions, to “Be quiet! Be quiet!” (197) Charles becomes bored quickly and gets up to get Emma a glass of water and runs into Léon, who had just recently returned from Paris. But when Emma sees Léon she feels thousands of emotions. The three of them leave after the third act because Emma was complaining about feeling uncomfortable, but really she wanted to talk to Léon in a more intimate place. Léon says that the performance is happening again in the next couple of days and Charles says …show more content…

One of which is the tone cynical. Cynical means to be concerned only with one's own interests and typically disregarding accepted or appropriate standards in order to achieve them. This is seen in the character Monsieur Rodolphe. Rodolphe decided that he wanted Emma despite the fact that she was a married woman. He used words and romantic gestures to capture her heart and then to conquer her. He was never interested in the ways of her heart but only was interested in her body and in conquering the conquered. He didn’t care that she was married or that she had a child (till later to use as an excuse). He just wanted to win her and then throw her to the side. He cared about his desires before everyone else’s and would do anything to get what he wanted. While this characteristic can be a useful one in the business world, it falls short in the romantic world. Romance is supposed to be about give and take not just taking. But Emma is too dull to …show more content…

One of the major times irony can clearly be seen is when Emma thinks her own daughter is ugly. Mothers shouldn’t think there own daughter is ugly, especially when they’re crying because the mom shoved the daughter away in a violent manner. Berthe wanted to play with her mom but Emma didn’t want to play and she pushed Berthe away many times before she shoved her daughter away hard enough to cause her to fall and cut her cheek. She calls out to the servants saying that her daughter fell and cut her cheek. Charles, her husband, comes to help and tells his wife to not worry her self over it, even though she wasn’t really to begin with. Later that night while Berthe was crying in her crib Emma thought “ How strange… The child is so ugly.” (101) Mothers normally wouldn’t think that their child is ugly when they are not crying nor would they just sit there watching while their baby is crying themselves to sleep. Normally they would cradle them in their arms until they stop. It’s ironic that this mother just watches as her child is crying and thinks nothing more than the thought that her child is ugly. She makes it seem like she is worried about her child but she isn’t she’s simply think of the unattractive appearance of the child crying in her bed. When Charles her husband comes back he notices his wife standing over Berthe’s crib staring down at her and tells her “ don’t torment yourself, my poor dear, you’ll make yourself ill.” What

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