Emmett Till Research Paper

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A young African American Male named Emmett Till was murdered on August 28, 1955, in Money, Mississippi because he looked in a white woman's direction. In 1955, Emmett Till went to a local convenience store where a white woman told her husband that he had “catcalled” her. This led to the husband tracking down Emmett Till, kidnapping, and killing the young man. Emmett Till came from Chicago, IL to Mississippi, where he made a handful of friends, one of them being white. One day, Emmett Till went to a convenience store where he was accused of flirting with a white woman and was killed over the “horrible” thing he had done. Emmett Till was originally from Chicago, IL where he lived with his mother Mamie Till. Emmett Till moved to Money, Mississippi to visit with his great …show more content…

“Mamie Till rushes her son Emmett to the 63rd Street station in Chicago to catch the southbound train to Money,” “Emmett Till arrives in Money, Mississippi,” After Emmett Till parted ways from his mother, he reached Money, Mississippi after traveling by train from Chicago, IL to live with his great uncle. Emmett Till made a few friends while he was down in Money, Mississippi. Emmett Till ended up joining a small group of people that consisted of seven boys and one girl. pbs.org underneath August 24, 1955, it tells us the number of people in the friend group but not what their race is. “Emmett joins a group of teenagers, seven boys and one girl.” Emmett Till, despite being new to the area and from a city, was still able to make friends. This friend group went to a local convenience store that was owned by white people to get a few things to cool down with after picking cotton. It was said that Emmett Till whistled at the store owner's wife. This led to the owner coming to Moses’s house, confronting him about Emmett Till, and a little arguing later, the kidnapping of Emmett