Emotional Disorder In Hamlet Research Paper

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Emotional Disorder in Hamlet

In the play Hamlet written by William Shakespeare, Hamlet is seen as a depressed, angry, and suicidal at times, who sometimes sees himself as a failure. In one of the most well known quotes from the play, “to be or not to be, that is the question…” (Act 3, Scene 1, Page 53) Shakespeare he is contemplating if he should commit suicide or not, going back and forth, he compares death to his sleep, but he also believes that in death we still have dreams, possibly bad dreams. He is seen as having a bipolar disorder or depression throughout the play, seen as talking to himself multiple times and being crazy. Bipolar is a common disorder, it is also known as manic-depressive illness which causes the brain to shift emotions, energy, and the level of activity that a person is dealing with. They also don’t have the ability to do daily tasks because of how they feel when they experience these mood swings. …show more content…

Symptoms can include depression or manic symptoms at times. Bipolar Two disorder consists of depression and hypomanic episodes, but it doesn’t include episodes that are from bipolar 1 disorder. Cyclothymic Disorder (also known as cyclothymia) is where numerous episodes of both depression and hypomanic episodes take place that can last up to two years (National Institute of Mental Health). Some factors that contribute to bipolar disorder is brain structure and the way that the brain functions is affected, brains that are from healthy people are different from those that have a mental disorder. Also by genetics, research shows