Empire Island: A Narrative Fiction

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Chanyeol awoke the next morning at the same time the sun was first arising, which wasn't entirely unusual for him, but it was always unappreciated that he could almost never sleep past sunrise. It doesn't matter much because he was already awake and there wasn't much he could do about it now.

Chanyeol often went up to the main deck and observed the ocean from there. He liked the way the spray from the water gently hit his skin, creating a small burst of cold to flow through him until the sun warmed him up. It was a perfect way to start the day.

Today however, he found that staring out into the seemingly endless water wasn't bringing him as much comfort as it normally would. He couldn't help but growl as he stepped down from the crate he'd …show more content…

It was Jongin speaking. Chanyeol remained where he was, hiding behind a wall. He turned his head just enough to hear better, even though his conscious told him he shouldn't. He decided it was his boat so why not? “I know!” Mark? “I thought the same thing at first too. I got a different view than you did though. Being on another ship this one is …show more content…

Do not bring them up again.” Chanyeol snarled.

“Secrets. Lies. Death, destruction, Chanyeol, do you really want to unload all of that onto the boy? He's happy now and he'd continue to be happy if you stayed away from him.”

Lay left just then, smiling as he greeted the others on board. Chanyeol simply watched as anger pooled in his stomach. He wanted to run to Jongin and confess everything he felt inside him (even though he didn't know what it was) now that he saw him smiling so cutely at Mark once again. Chanyeol wished nothing more than to pull Jongin away and hold him tightly in his arms until Chanyeol felt better. He wanted to ignore everything Lay had just said but he couldn't.

He couldn't stop his mind from wandering back to his conversation with Baekhyun earlier in the day. ‘Maybe you should let it go’ He had said. Chanyeol thought nothing of it then, but perhaps Baekhyun was trying to say what Lay said just in his own way. ‘You'll ruin him.’ ‘You're no good for him.’ You should just let it go.’ ‘Stop thinking it.’ Chanyeol couldn't help but think they were right.

He hadn't even gotten to get his breakfast before he decided he wasn't