Jean Watson's Theory

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Empirical Referents Empirical referent studies support Watson’s theory by affirming the existence of a positive relationship between patient satisfaction and nurse caring behaviors in numerous clinical settings. Nursing education plays a significant role in the achievement the caring concept and is accentuated throughout the nurse's professional career (Labrague, Mcenroe-Petitte, Papathanasiou, Edet, & Arulappan, 2015). Patient satisfaction is a measurable component used to determine the care received from nurse clinicians. Stroehlein (2016) indicates that although there is a large constituent of many occupations, caring in the nursing occupation assumes an exceptional meaning with a higher purpose. Caring is multifaceted and comparable have determined individuals whose intention is to open the eyes of the society through rendering high quality patient care (Stroehlein, 2016). Construct Cases Model Case On his way to work, a young man met a 60 years old Indian female who appeared sick and took her to the clinic. Initially, the patient was not willing to be examined by the nurse however, after talking to her calmly and …show more content…

It is created through analysis of research and construction of concepts and theories (Busso, Poles, & Monteiro da Cruz, 2014). Concept analysis serve a purpose within theory development as it represents continuation of knowledge in nursing profession. When theories and concepts are developed, it must be practiced in a clinical setting to validate research. The caring concept applies to Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring as it creates an environment for healing, bonding, and improving patient outcomes. The concept of caring depicts the attitude of the nurse and the inclination given to meet the needs of the patient from emotional or physical standpoints (Emerson, 2017). Through concept application, caring concepts are able to enhance Human Caring theory and transform the patient’s quality of