Essay On Job Loyalty

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Job loyalty:
Culture has always played an important part of influencing job loyalty across employees in the organizations. Peter Blau has stated in 1962 that cultural effects may operate at the individual -level through values, beliefs and norms employees accept and internalize but also at the group level through the mechanism of social pressure aimed at inducing conformity. A study was conducted by James Lincoln and Bernadette Doerr in 2012 found that The Japanese employees are more loyal and are less likely to quite in the presence of organization cultures favoring paternalism/familyism, groupism and vertical cohesion. The reverse is in general true of the American employees. Hofstede in his study has also found that people in Japan are less likely to quite as the Japanese culture is more collectivist compared to US culture, US scored 91 on the individualism dimension compared to 46 in Japan. In the collectism society, the word “I” is replaced with “we” and the benefit of the group and the need of feel of “belonging” is important in exchange for loyalty.
Perhaps the high score of the …show more content…

There have been many arguments that the bureaucracy reduces creativity and tight control along with detailed instructions makes employees passive and eliminates creative thinking. Secondly the individualism level plays a part in starting up the innovation initiation process as it’s often seen as an individual act, the group rule can either be supportive or not. In individual societies, people have more chances to try something new without damaging their need to belonging. And lastly we will discuss the impact of uncertainty avoidance on innovation, as innovations are associated with some kind of change and uncertainty, cultures with strong uncertainty avoidance are more resistant to innovations (Shane, 1993; Waarts and van Everdingen, 2005), and thus, less motivated to think