Leader-Member Exchange Theory: A Literature Review

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Leadership: A number of researchers have concerned leadership as significant in the process of innovation, but such thoughts have mainly pointed out on the desire for collaborative or participative leadership styles Kanter (1983), Pelz & Andrews (1966) or have given lists of particular tasks which leaders should slot in to permit innovation to appear Amabile (1988). The hypothetical progress with in this area is weak as conventional headship approaches are relatively less relevant to innovation outcomes than to the explanation and prediction of productivity outcomes Waldman SE Bass (1991). Two existing headship approaches have been investigated i.e. Leader-member exchange (LMX) theory Dansereau, Graen & Haga (1975), Graen & Scandura (1987) …show more content…

Furthermore, researchers conceive that managers and assistants slot into a process of role development during which understandings came pertinent to the sum of choice liberty, control, and self-sufficiency the assistants will be permitted Graen & Gashman (1975). Gradually with the passage of time, some manager assistant associations build up from communications that are impersonal (low-quality manager-associate exchange) and formal to establish communications characterized by faith, common taste, and reverence (high-quality manager-associate exchange). In these concluding interactions, associates are permitted higher self-sufficiency and choice liberty, both of which have been depicted to be very important constituents of an innovative behavior Gotgrove & Box (1970), Pelz & Andrews (1966). Even though research on the bond between innovation and manager-associate exchange is still in the embryonic stages and, initial outcomes have supported a constructive rapport between innovative behavior and manger-associate exchange Basu (1991).
Work groups: Even though assessment and thought creation within an organization may at times be an introverted task, more generally peers and work group members control innovation of an individual. Researchers have characteristically considered work group effects by analyzing it at the group level, by means of group innovation or results as the dependent variable. The control of work groups on innovative behavior of an individual has gained nominal interest in the literature to