Essay On Distri Distributed Leadership

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What does it mean to take a distributed perspective?

Distributed leadership is one form of leadership. It highlights leadership as an emergent property of a group networking of interacting individuals. The concept of distributed leadership has swept through the theory and practice of educational leadership. It has become the theory of choice for many (Lumby, 2013). It is a very dominant type of leadership. Distributed leadership’s attraction in education lies in its potential to bring about school improvement (Harris, 2007).

Leadership activities in the ASF development are designed to promote change in the school. Distributed leadership requires multiple levels of involvement in decision making. It extends to students and encourages student voice” (Harris 2007). Distributed leadership is leadership by expertise. It requires trust and mutual respect to be successful. I think this is the type of leadership outlined in part a and b. Distributed leadership is organising leadership expertise at all levels in a school in order to create more opportunities for change and to build the capacity for improvement. Taking someone who has experience with an initiative such as the Active School Flag is beneficial to the school as they know what to do and …show more content…

(2010: 16) claim, ‘There is a connection between the increased distribution of leadership roles and responsibilities and the improvement of pupil outcomes.’ Distributed leadership has become an intentional practice and one that is promoted to improve schools. (Lumby, 2013, 583). Distributed leadership creates broader opportunities for everyone. This implies that the opportunities are open to all. MacBeath et al. (2004: 13) assert that ‘it creates opportunity for all members of an organization to assume leadership’. Much distributed leadership literature speaks enthusiastically of opening opportunities to a wider range of staff to contribute to leadership, thereby benefiting both learners and staff (Lumby, 2013,