Martin Luther King And Robert Oppenheimer: A Leadership Analysis

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“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” Warren Bennis
Leadership is ability to have impact on individuals and groups, directing their efforts for achievement of the purpose of the organization. Leadership – the most important component of the effective operating not only in organization but in live. Leadership differs from the management which assumes rather rigid and formalized system of the relations of domination – submission. The leader is a symbol of a community and an example of behavior of group. It moves forward, as a rule, from below, mainly spontaneously and is accepted by followers.
My essay is about giving my opinion on leadership of Martin Luther King and Robert Oppenheimer by analyzing the history of their …show more content…

Martin Luther King was the first bright fighter for civil rights of the black population in the United States, fought racism, discrimination and segregation. June, 1955 King held a position of the pastor of Baptist church in Montgomery, in Alabama. Anywhere in the USA at that time racism didn 't prove so brightly, as in Montgomery. A cradle of rebellious southern Confederation, the city and century later I was proud of the status of "the capital of racism", constantly confirming it with humiliating segregations restrictions, activity of the”Ku klux klan” and systematic persecution of the black population. King arrived to this city, without being going to arrange in it some "black revolution" at all, and only to conduct usual life of the ordinary Baptist pastor. But circumstances developed differently. I think Martin Luther King was very strong character person, talented and amazing leader. I watched his speech several times and every time could be amazed as after watching it the first time. In the summer of 1963 of 250 thousand people gathered on the square in Washington to listen to the speech of doctor King. There was no mailing of invitations; there was no website on which it would be possible to check date. How such was possible? Luther King, at all, wasn 't in America the only person with outstanding oratorical abilities. It wasn 't the only thing who suffered from customs of America of the period before formation of the civil rights and if frankly his some ideas were frankly bad, but it had a gift, the real gift of the strategic genius. He already then understood that is useless to appeal to rational motives if you want to kindle masses. It doesn 't mean at all that he suffered from lack of rationality. At the level of his genius of concept of rationality and irrationality closely intertwine among themselves. Thereby, being guided quite to