How Did Martin Luther King Contribute To The Civil Rights Movement

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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Baptist minister and social activist, who was a prime leader of the Civil Rights movement. King proved that the nonviolent protests were the most effective weapon against a racist and unjust society. He also faced many challenges, even being arrested twenty-nine times for misdemeanor offenses related to his civil rights protest. Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929, Atlanta, Georgia. In this time; 50 percent of the population in Southern towns were black, they could not vote, or marry whites. He lived with his parents, as well as his grandparents and two siblings, Christine and Alfred Daniel Williams King. Martin Luther King Jr. grew up among other prominent and prosperous African-Americans. His father was a Baptist …show more content…

In that next year, Rosa Parks gets arrested for refusing to exit her seat and move to the rear of a city bus in Montgomery for a white passenger. Four days after this, the 5th of december,King becomes the first president to the Montgomery Improvement Association(MIA) and a mass boycott of all buses took place. After this Dr. King gets a great opportunity to really address the problems in …show more content…

King was the youngest to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his outstanding nonviolent resistance to racial prejudice in America. In 1955 Dr. King organized the first major peaceful protest of the civil rights movement: the Montgomery Bus Boycott, in 1968 he conducted the Memphis sanitation worker strike and the poor people's march, got two major laws passed; which ensured African-Americans constitutional rights. He won growing support from the federal government and northern whites and was apart of many organizations helping civil rights and peace between blacks and