The Importance Of Entrepreneurial Leadership

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Introduction At the present competitive world leadership is a dynamic process where influencing others is the most important issues. That’s why exercising power is one of the most important issue to be a charismatic leader and this power doesn’t come automatically it comes after advocating other fellow members. Here, one thing is most important to remind that the power should be imposed and exercise within the worth and boundaries of the leaders. However organization’s culture, its mission, vision, short-term strategies all these reform the leadership process. Leadership: Definition Leadership is the process of influencing the motive of the employees and so directing, guiding them to the proper completion of the short-term goals and the mission, vision of the firm. Leadership referring to achieve a specific set of goals of the business enterprise by minimizing risk and more advantage of opportunities is also called Entrepreneurial Leadership (Rao, 2015). Today leadership is such an iterative process when the leaders should have a variety of qualities and expertise in different area of management. Here, different theories will be explained which can clearly identify the scope, the responsibilities and the area of expertise required to be successful leader. Nature of leadership There are two ways a leader can show its leadership approaches; one is trait-based leadership and another one is the situation-based leadership. At the earliest time, leaders were evaluated based on