Fifth Blueprint Theory

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Theoretical Issues
This section introduces additional research theory, essential to providing a proposal for resolution. It starts with an outline of the history and theory or organisational blueprints and the formulation of a new, Fifth Blueprint. This Fifth Blueprint encapsulates the tenants of the previous blueprints, because it is designed to work within the global community. A community made of organisations that work within a mixture of ever increasing understanding, ethical and environmental concerns and collaborative networking, regardless of their organisational blueprint. This is a revolution, which is underway in today’s organisations (Senge, Smith, Kruschwitz, & Schley, 2008).
The First through Forth Blueprints (Limerick, Cunnington, …show more content…

Collaborative individualism (CI) is different from previous forms of individualism. Volunteerism is part of its essence. In fact, CI allows for members to opt-out of involvement. Something that is difficult to manage in Third Blueprint organisations (Limerick, et al., 2002). In the Fourth Blueprint organisations, employees take part in a constructive act of self-positioning or life streaming as well as collaboration. Each individual’s construction of reality is as important or as valid as anybody else’s, and these constructions have to be overtly negotiated in Fourth Blueprint organisations. However, these negotiations need not end up in homogenised worldviews. A Fourth Blueprint organisation has the maturity to accept its rebels, its revolutionaries and perhaps even its anarchists. A Fourth Blueprint participant is aware that in conventional organisations only a small percentage of an organisation's conventions are ever challenged. The unfortunate result is that only a small percentage of the organisation’s creative potential is ever harnessed (Hamel, …show more content…

(2010) as ‘Shared leadership’. Wood defines shared leadership as a dynamic, interactive influence process among individuals in groups for which the objective is to lead one another to the achievement of group and/or organisational goals. The process involves peer or lateral influence, and at other times, it involves vertical, hierarchical influence. The main difference from traditional leadership, typical in 3rd blueprint organisations is the distribution of leadership among a set of individuals, self-directed and working in teams. Wood also sets down the tenets surrounding this style of teamwork and leadership. They should be efficient and goal directed in a coordinated effort both inside and outside the team. The leader is relied upon for adequate resources and the team members need to have or be given the appropriate knowledge, skills, abilities and motivation to perform collective tasks well. This works in a productive, supportive climate with high levels of cohesiveness, mutual trust and cooperation among team members. The best teams should be able to adapt to changing conditions with a commitment to continuous improvement. Self-leadership should leave a positive influence on individuals. It can be divided into three broad categories: behaviour-focussed, natural-reward, and constructive-thought-pattern