1. How likely will the patient be more willing to cooperate with the innovation?
2. How likely will the innovation fit easily into the current rules & regulations?
3. How likely is the procedure or guidelines of the innovation very clear?
4. How likely is the innovation very compatible with the existing work procedure?
5. How likely will the results of using the innovation be very observable for healthcare workers?
6. How likely is the innovation adding more value for the patient?
7. How likely is the innovation more correct or more right?
8. How likely is the innovation more complete?
9. How likely is the innovation simpler?
10. How likely is that the management will easily ratify to integrate innovation in organizational policies?
11. How
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How likely is there more time available to implement the innovation?
19. How likely is there more staff available for organizing/aligning implementation in the organization?
20. How likely is there more support from co-workers, managers, and other healthcare workers in implementing the innovation?
21. How likely will more healthcare workers implement the innovation?
22. How likely do the healthcare workers have more knowledge regarding how to implement the innovation?
23. How likely is there more confidence in healthcare workers to execute the behavior required for implementing the innovation?
24. How likely is the innovation more compatible with the way work is perceived by the healthcare workers (or job perception of healthcare workers)?
25. How likely will more healthcare workers expect the patients to be satisfied with the innovation?
26. How likely are there more expectations from healthcare workers that the innovation will produce the expected results?
27. How likely is there more pressure from co-workers, managers, & other healthcare workers to use the innovation?
28. How likely is there more awareness of content of the innovation?
29. How likely are there more personal benefits or how likely are there no personal setbacks to healthcare