Elizabeth Layman Case

662 Words3 Pages




The analysis of, Job Redesign for Extended HIM Functions, shows that is very thorough, thus with very minimum things to correct, but only to complement. In this case this analysis of the paper turn in by the author, Elizabeth Layman, in which she defines the goals in this case to be; Implementation of electronic health records and constant change in the health care delivery system have altered the nature of work in Health Information Services (HIS) Departments. This might be overall goal, but lacks of clarity, thus making the objective a little challenging, it would be preferable whether the implementation of records in which of the departments, if is fragmented, and timelines, in order to achieve this objective along with some budget guide lines and the technical support that this will require. So far the paper only refers to the achievement of this task through 2 …show more content…

This is suggested with the supervising of a leader in the group in order to maintain the chain of command informed of the developments, in the paper the author supports well the idea of job enrichment, with the implementations of new task to be performed and the reason why is best to do so, but most of the time this changes will require the re-adjustment of salaries and job titles in the departments, ( this is why the author advises to have clearance from the Human Resources Department, in order to factor in the cost of this changes to the budget) it is worth noticing that not all employees would do well in this redesigning of the

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