
Endosymbiotic Theory Of Eukaryotic Essay

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Hello, Dr. Self, Classmates and Readers of this post,
Sincerely, if before 3.5 billion years ago, prokaryotes already knew how to tap energy from the sun to power the anabolic processes in breaking down carbon dioxide to form organic compounds for their survivor and adaptation, then I believed we humans must have inherited some kind of trait from our eukaryotes cell ancestors (prokaryotes). Because today we are adapting intensively to the world global change and even making use of energy from the sun to power almost everything. Class, please, allow me to present my solution to this discussion form task in a demonstrative manner.
The endosymbiotic theory

Describing the hypothesized steps for the evolution of eukaryotic cells via endosymbiosis …show more content…

The simplified and true meaning of endosymbiosis, according to OpenStax College (2013), is referred to a situation where “one cell engulfing another such that the engulfed cell survives and both cells benefit” (p. 617).
Hypothesized Step 1: → The Infoldings
It was hypothesized that before the first event of endosymbiosis, the ancestral prokaryote undergoes infolding of the plasma membrane that gave rise to the to development of the nucleus and the endoplasmic reticulum. That is the endomembrane components were first …show more content…

Evidence used to support the Endosymbiotic theory

Explaining my position with this endosymbiotic theory
The endosymbiotic theory is based on the idea that a cell eats up another cell and refuses to digest it but instead keeps it alive as a useful treasure for survivor and indeed they survived together as a body.

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Many regards
Arora, S. (n.d.). Hypothesis and the Origin of Eukaryotic Cell | Biology. Retrieved from http://www.biologydiscussion.com/eukaryotic-cell/hypothesis-and-the-origin-of-eukaryotic-cell-biology/38563
OpenStax College. (2013). Biology. OpenStax College, Rice University, Texas. Retrieved from

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