Energy Types And Connect Them To Real World Applications

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Learning Objective (s)
Knowledge: The students will be able to understand energy types and connect them to real world applications. Student Friendly Learning Objectives (Posted on the white board)
Knowledge: I can understand that there are several energy types, and can connect them to real world applications.
Department objective: Understand the meaning of words and phrases in oral presentations and in informational texts.

Assessment Strategy
Formal Formative: The students will create a categorized list of energy types, which will ease visual inspection for error identification. Several questions about energy calculations will help identify any gaps. Performance Expectation and Evidence
All students are expected to meet the objectives. …show more content…

Kinetic energy
Potential (elastic and gravitational) energy Language Sensitive Modifications
LLP: Applied force, apply (application), energy, ability, causal, explanation, types, and plates are cognate words that will serve the Spanish-speaking Limited Language Proficient student.
Visuals will be provided to aid comprehension, such as the images in the reading selections, and the donut discussion. Visual cues will be implemented. Group interactions will be implemented as comprehension support, and for the students to communicate and practice the new scientific language and symbols. The energy types list will serve as a good graphic organizer for the LLP student.
Instructional Plan
Teaching Activities

The Goal (meet the learning targets): To understand that there are several energy types, and to connect them to prior knowledge and real world applications.

Bell work [4 minutes]: The students will work in pairs in the read-write-share activity. If any student is left without a partner, he or she will join a group to fully participate. Each pair of students will:
1. Grab a categorical chart, and colored …show more content…

• Students 3 and 4 will read aloud sheet 2 (alternating sentences). o They will collaborate to fill the potential (elastic) energy row.
2. [4 minutes]
• Students 1, 2, 3, and 4 will share what they wrote down in their charts, and will record the new energy row.
3. [5 minutes] Questions 1, 2 and 3 from the review sheet will be answered individually.

4. [5 minutes]
• Students 1 and 2 will read aloud sheet 3 (alternating sentences). o They will collaborate to fill the gravitational potential energy row.
• Students 3 and 4 will read aloud sheet 4 (alternating sentences). o They will collaborate to add details to elaborate on the gravitational potential energy row.
5. [4 minutes]
• Students 1, 2, 3, and 4 will share what they wrote down in their charts, will record the new energy row, and will add details about the height in GPE.
6. [7 minutes] Questions 3 through 6 from the review sheet will be answered individually.
7. [5 minutes] Discussion about the categorical chart. Each row of energy types will be discussed.

They will think about this overnight and will be ready to start learning about potential and kinetic energy.

Anticipating Errors and

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