American English Language Importance

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Language, as a main means of communication, plays a very important role because it helps us communicate and interact with each other. By the use of sounds and conventional symbols, we create language, a communication by word of mouth. A language lives for as long as people use it as a native language.
English language is the most important language around the world. It is spoken as a first language in many countries and as an international language all around the world. Nowadays, the importance of English language cannot be denied since it is the most commonly used language. It is used as an international language throughout the world and more than three-hundred-forty million people use it as a mother tongue in United Kingdom and the United States. The importance of this language comes as a result of its international use. The world we live in today connects through electronic media and it is necessary to have knowledge on this language as it is the main medium of communication. Somebody who lacks this knowledge will lack …show more content…

I, myself am a big fan of reading books and watching movies and listening to music. All of them are “served” to me in an “American plate”. Most of the books I read are written in American English, most of the movies I watch speak American English and the songs I listen to are absolutely in American English. I, as a non-native speaker of English, have better and easier access to American English. When I first started to learn English, I was not aware that there existed a division such as British and American English. As I acquired it better, I now understand that I have always been taught in an American English. I know most of the books we learn are printed in Britain but none of the teachers has had the fully “British accent”. Of course, they are not to blame. I think it is easier for somebody to understand and speak American English rather than British