Stressful Essay-Personal Narrative

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Conor This project was very stressful. I spent many days frustrated because I was not understand English grammar. Eventually, I kept doing more essay when I was forced against my will. But, looking back at all the essays I did I realized I learned a lot. I got into a routine and I learned from all my mistakes. I was so proud of myself when I bassically had a perfect essay last week. As a 10th grader some moments were stressful when I was assuaged the essay. When I only had two days to finish an essay I was made I have a methodical approach when it comes to English editing. This project was negative and positive at the same time. The positives were I overcame stressful situations. I also learned that I am good at English editing. My time management skills improved tremendously. The negative aspect was I was always stressed out, sometime the time constrains made my essays not perfect. In general, when I was assigned English essays I was stressed out. English essays were worth 45 percent of my grade, and my goal was to exempt the English exam. As a student a person needs to realize that they can …show more content…

This year I have learned to get ahead in my English work, so my essays will be perfect. I know I am slow typer so I make sure I get ahead, so I will not be behind on my English material. Students learn that they should not procrastinate because the students ' work will not be perfect. I have learned that I have to my best in English class because in order to get into a good collage people have to get good grades. This project has prepared for collage because I have learned time management skills. The time management skill that I have developed has helped me in other classes. My grades are great because of my time management skills and English is the core class that students can learn time management skills. These essays have stressed me, out but if I did not do them, I would not have learned efficient time management