Bowling Green English Reflection

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Throughout my time in the Bowling Green English class, I believe I hit every learning outcome required of me. In the essays I wrote, I believe I had a very strong grasp on most of them, passing all of them with flying colors despite a few flaws in the writing of a specific two. These specific two were essays #1 and #2. Although the writing on these essays were not up to par with the other two, I was still able to meet the learning outcome on them fairly well and make myself a better writer. Throughout my time in class I also believe my writing has greatly improved for use in future classes or work. Although it does not have much to do with the learning outcomes I needed to grasp, I find it important considering my writing level before the class. …show more content…

No slander or offensive wording was used and my points were clearly articulated, showing my ability to write to an opposing viewpoint in my audience. This quote also shows an active learning process, in which a debatable point is argued. This allows both parties to learn from the other side, making for a great learning process between the two. Without writings like this the discourse that is conducted through it and writings like it would be lost, making for a terrible outcome. This demonstrates the real importance of values system in writing and why we need to use it often. Overall, I believe I demonstrated the importance of value systems quite well in my writings and hope to utilize this lesson in my further …show more content…

On essay #3, which was analyzing a visual argument, I identified the audience of a Smokey the Bear ad and wrote the following about it, “Although targeted to children with his very cartoony appearance, the message he conveys goes for people of all ages and groups. The vivid and colorful imagery draws people of all ages in so it can convey a very harsh and not very joyful message with a serious tone.” In this quote from my writing you can see that I effectively identified the audience and explained how the ad tailored itself to fit that audience. Along with this point, the quote also shows I also knew the audience of my own writing, which would be a professor and my peers, and tailored my writing to them. I say this due to the fact that the quote was written very formally. Its tone was not casual and it was clearly meant to explain my points, so this was no off-hand conversation with a friend or acquaintance. I used this to my advantage and tailored my writing to this, showing once again my ability to use rhetorical knowledge and furthering my claims that I achieved the learning