Enlightenment Era Research Paper

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Around the mid late 1700’s is where it all began. Scientists and writers like John Locke or Newton were starting to doubt and even challenge the old world order. For instance Issac Newton's laws of gravity and motion basically showed the world that there are natural laws that are way beyond any god/spiritual force. While writers like John Locke in England were changing people’s minds about the government that didn’t protect the “natural people’s rights of life, liberty and property.” So because of all this peoples thoughts about God and the spiritual force that believed in was starting to be questioned and even being doubted that “God” even exists. For a fact, these ideas and the chaos happening would be changing Europe for good. But I do believe the Enlightenment era in Europe gave a matter of self-worth and even importance to the people in society during this period. In fact, the main question floating around is how the enlightenment era helped the people and even the governments? Also, what ideas made the biggest impact and how did …show more content…

The beliefs that people believed in before the era was basically made by the society/govt. with no proper logic or explanation. But people just believed and followed it, almost like robots, because they thought that they were “supposed” to and they didn’t know any better. Until, the intelligent and smart people like philosophers and writers actually spoke out the truth and explained the ideas to society. So by then the ideology of Enlightenment spread around numerous societies, which eventually led people to reconsider and think about the high powers of churches and governments and the affect it had on society. Individuals in society didn’t have to live hopelessly anymore because logics, real explanations and science brought joy and development to the