Self Efficacy In Counselling

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The environmental influence could produce a long list of factors or influences that were classified under “environmental influences”. It referred to external factors of the surrounding or environment that one has no control over. The relationship within the supervisor, peer, students, and parents, innovation training (Joe, Broome, Simpson & Rowan-Szal, 2007), supervisor sanction and peer support (Mullen, Kroustalis, Meade & Surface, 2006) was commonly referred to as environmental factors. It could also be referred to as policy implemented by the government or policy makers or opportunities for personal and professional growth such as training opportunities. An organizational environment that promoted fair procedural justice, organizational …show more content…

It is concerned not with the skills one has but with the judgment of what one can do with whatever skills one possesses. Universally, the general self-efficacy refers to one’s perception on one’s abilities and competencies to perform across all forms of situations (McShane & Von-Glinow, 2012; p. 38), whereas the counseling self-efficacy in specific refers to “a counselor’s belief or judgments about his or her expectation to effectively counsel a client in the near future” (Larson & Daniels, …show more content…

The COSE has five subdomains (microskill, counseling process, dealing with difficult clients’ behavior, cultural competency and awareness of value) with 37 items and it is recommended for the score to be used as a total score rather than factor scores separately. The higher the score, the greater the counseling self-efficacy. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficients reported for the COSE total score is .93 and the five subdomain is .88 for microskills, .87 for processing, .80 for dealing with difficult client behavior, .78 for cultural competency and .62 for awareness of value (Larson, et al., 1992). The participants were asked to rate on 6 points Likert scale on how they feel they will behave as a counselor in a counseling situation for each item. The scale ranged from 1 (strongly disagree) to 6 (strongly agree). The scale is used to measure one’s appraisal of one’s ability for future performance but it does not measured one’s counseling