Environmental Pollution In China

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Beach, Marilyn. (2001). "Chinese Government Tackles Environmental Hazards." The Lancet
357, no. 9261: 1024.
The Lancet is a medical journal, that has been around since 1823. It is a very renown, meticulously edited, peer-reviewed journal. Marilyn Beach isn’t a very well known author, but has been cited in 55 different texts and written nine different articles entailing China’s pollution and other environmental problems. This article gives solutions of how and a timeline of when they will clean up their water, because over 700 million Chinese people drink water that has levels of contamination surpassing the government’s maximum pollution ppm. It is a short article but it tells what the surface and ground water are contaminated with. This …show more content…

In this article, Beach gives a detailed story about her visit to the Hongfeng Lake and the pollution she saw, while the locals act like there is nothing wrong with the factories dumping solid streams of pollutants into their water as well as human waste floating in well travelled waters. She tells about the resource allocation is pushed towards industrialization while taking away from environmental aspects, putting more funding towards the problem and not the solution. This paper gives a good outlook on how difficult it is to avoid the problem, and how Chinese officials are avoiding fixing the problem by not enforcing the laws even though they are set in place. I plan to use this to strengthen my argument that their pollution and policies are just being ignored by the locals because they are more concerned about GDP and not future generations living in an inhospitable …show more content…

This journal, available since 1997, was published by the Cambridge University Press which has been around since 1534. This article gives insight on how much money and resources are ruined each year by China’s pollution problem and puts numbers on the losses. This journal gives information about what diseases and effects the pollution has on human life and explains how unavoidable pollution is to the citizens. Pollution not only has an effect on life, but also their GDP. While China is trying to increase its GDP, it is also hurting the increase of production with the negative aspects of pollution. This will be a strong point in my paper, because it explains that although they want to increase GDP, about 8% of their GDP is loss due to pollution. They are losing around $54 billion yearly due to a problem that they are feeding by trying to increase their