
Environment's Role In The Peloponnesian War

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Environment plays a great role in shaping the way we think and act. Plato who aged witnessing the Peloponnesian War as well as the several wars between the democrats and the oligarchs and it was the reason to why despite his great desires of wanting to stay away from politics had to engage himself into it.
The cruelty of the democrats was the turning point for him to despise democratic. Demos, meaning the people, they were the lowest class in society, who were the laborers and less educated, and without the love for wisdom. Their most priority which was to have the next meal was far from the desires and goals of the enlightened people. Democracy which means for and by the ruling of the people meant that the state was vulnerable to the tyranny of the mass. The mass could easily be manipulated and deceived into the interest of the tyrant. …show more content…

I believe that in either way, the uneducated mass is vulnerable to the objectives of the rulers whether it is a few groups of elites or by the votes of the mass. It could be argued that the miscalculations by the few elites is less likely than the majority of the “not-well-educated”, however there is a saying that two heads are better than one.
Not all great leaders were well educated people but people who put in effort and time to achieve what they desired. They great devotion so that they can achieve their vision was the driving force, not truly their desire for wisdom. Different people have different desires and humans are special species because of the fact that each individual is different from others. Grouping all the people because of their interest does not seem to be very sensible, because according to the specialization based on their interest, intelligence and knowledge could have been left

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